Warm-up InterActivities
Break the ice and open yourself up to connecting with others. Our warm-up interactivities are inspired by our experts in AcroYoga, Jessica Goldberg and Eugene Poku. They encourage us to think about our readiness to form a reciprocal connection with others through eye contact, breath, and movement. Each warm-up interactivity develops our social emotional capacity to move and be moved by others. They also invite us to become aware of the ways we can become tense & relaxed and discover optimal levels of muscle activation.
Cooperative InterActivities
Practice cooperative synchronous connection through proximal and distal means. Our cooperative interactivities are inspired by our expert in Tai Chi, Sam Masich. To form a communicative relationship with others through movement, we must first attend to our alignment and posture. Are we able to lean in to each other and into the interactive moment? Are we able to mirror & match each other through subtle changes in tempo or expression? The Cooperative InterActivities encourage students to experience synchronous movement either up close or at a distance.
Competitive InterActivities
Practice competitive synchronous connection through proximal and distal means. Our competitive interactivities are inspired by our expert in Equestrian Arts, Paul Dufresne. A horse is highly responsive to subtle changes in body positioning, such as twists, turns & angles of the shoulders, waist and hips. To transfer this relational body awareness to games and sports, we have designed a series of interactivities that draw attention to positional and gestural modes of communication. We also encourage students to feel into opportune moments to change movement timing and force to create competitive advantage.
Dance & Rhythmic InterActivities
- Feel the Beat with your Hands and Feet – PDF
- Rhythmical Mirror Walk – PDF
- Rhythm of Life – PDF
- So, You Think You Can TikTok? – PDF
Cultivate flow through rhythmic connection. Our dance and rhythm interactivities were inspired by our expert in salsa dancing, Anya Katsevman. To experience a rhythmical connection with others, one first has to attend to bodily postures & positions that invite connections with others. Next, one must feel into moments or openings when a rhythm can be experienced either in a synchronous predictable way or in a welcomed moment of spontaneous surprise. Dance/ Rhythmical InterActivities encourage students to develop an awareness of how sustained and spontaneous rhythms cultivate positive feelings of relational flow.
Fitness InterActivities
- Mirror Movement – PDF
- Beat the Clock Fitness Challenge – PDF – Video
- Quick Feet – PDF – PowerPoint –Video
- Buddy Pace – PDF
- Lean on Me – PDF
Fitness InterActivities provide opportunities for students to combine what they learned in their warm-up, cooperative, competitive, and dance and rhythm interactivities in relational fitness pursuits. Through inquiry-based prompts, students are encouraged to explore relational ways of increasing cardiovascular capacity as well as muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. Whether at a distance or up close in a partner squat or push-up, fitness interactivities combine challenge with curiosity.
Virtual InterActivities
- Guess the Leader (Copy Cat) – Video
- Partner Balance Game – Video
- Fake-Out Race-Out – Video
- Quick Feet – Video
- Welcoming and connective moments through interactivities
- Engage students in meaningful ways
- Games to entice students to participate and turn on their cameras
- Relational connection with themselves their immediate environment
- Create a sense of online connection