Videos, Podcasts, and Other Resources


Enjoy listening to podcasts? Check out these for some phenomenological-related podcasts and podcast episodes. 

British Society for Phenomenology Podcast 

Let Me Ask You Something- Episode #06 Phenomenological Research 

Overthink: Episode #07 Empathy  

Overthink: Episode #63 Touch 

Overthink: Episode #64 Vision 

Overthink: Episode #65 Hearing 

Overthink: Episode #66 Smell 

Overthink: Episode #67 Taste 

Overthink: Episode #74 Lived Experience   

The Words That Matter Podcast: Episode #06 of the Qualitative Research Series on Phenomenological Description or Interpretation 

Here are some phenomenology-related videos: 

Overthink: Derrida on Husserl’s Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity  

Overthink: Merleau-Ponty, The Phenomenology of Perception 

Overthink: Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Theory of Perception  

Overthink: Sartre, Existentialism is a Humanism 

Overthink: Tips for Reading Philosophy   

What is phenomenology?  

There is also a free online course relating to phenomenology through the Open University called The Body: A Phenomenological Psychological Perspective. 

Research methodologies: Phenomenology – A short video interview with Dr. Max van Manen

Interviewer: Erika Goble/ Directed by:  Cathy Adams

Maxine Sheets-Johnstone & Stephen Smith at the 35th International Human Science Research Conference (2016).

Ralph Acampora & Scott Churchill at the 35th International Human Science Research Conference (2016).

David Abram & Celeste Snowber at the 35th International Human Science Research Conference (2016).

In July 3-7, 2016 we hosted at uOttawa the 35th International Human Science Research Conference

To read the journal issue produced from conference papers and presentations, please visit: IHSRC 2016 special issue of Phenomenology & Practice

IHSRC #35 Conference at a glance

IHSRC #35 Welcome Ceremony

IHSRC #35 – Panel

F2F Research Model & Resources