InterActive Function2Flow Model


Guide to Assessing InterActive Function2Flow

Further Examples of Inquiry-Based Prompts that may be adapted to suit any InterActivity

InterActive Function (Connecting Postures)

Postural Prompts (Body Awareness) — Can you feel the ways you are creating a connection through your relational posture?
  • Where is your weight distributed to create connection? Is it forward/ in the centre/ back/ off to one side?
  • What relationship does your postural alignment have to the floor? Is it low and connected to the ground? Is it lifted from a certain place? Is it grounded from a certain place?

InterActive Form (Connection Positions)

Positional Prompts (Spatial Awareness) –  Can you feel the ways you are creating a connection through your relational position?
  • Are you able to sense how twists and turns of your shoulders/torso/ hips/waist create connection?
  • Are you able to sense how leaning more toward your partner or away affects feelings of connection?
  • Are you aware of how changing your relative level, i.e., crouching down or standing up taller, affects feeling of connection?

InterActive Feeling (Connecting Sensations of Timing & Force)

Gestures (Actions of Body Parts) – Can you feel the ways you are creating a connection through varying movements of your hands/ torso/shoulders/ head?
  • What hand movements create feelings of connection?
  • What torso (shoulder/hip) movements create feelings of connection?
  • What head movements create feelings of connection?

InterActive Flow (Connecting Energies)

Expressions (Movement Quality) – Can you feel the ways you are creating a connection through varying the timing and force of your movements?
  • Can you start slowly and find a pace where you are moving as one?
  • Can you progressively build up the pace and keep moving together?
  • What helps you develop a synchronous sense of interactive play, i.e., a sustained pattern/rally/ rhythm?
  • Can you feel when it is advantageous to break free from synchronous movement to add a layer of excitement and surprise?
  • What helps you respond positively to unanticipated moments/ elements of surprise?

A Detailed Guide for Teaching and Assessing InterActive Connection