Our Interdisciplinary Research Unit is comprised of new and experienced academics researching the FUNCTIONS, FORMS, FEELINGS and FLOWS of MOVING with others of a human and more-than-human kind
Across the academic disciplines and applied fields of study where the human sciences have taken root, we cultivate a motion-sensing phenomenological (MPS) attitude and mobilize the methodological resources of the human sciences in service of personal, interpersonal, professional and scholarly practices. We wonder:
- How we can recognize the primacy of movement and articulate the functions, forms, feelings and flows characteristic of moving within particular lifeworlds;
- What can be considered the effects and affects of enhancing motion sensitivity in these different lifeworlds;
- Where and when self-affirmation and responsiveness to others feature in these motion-sensing lifeworld practices;
- To what extent the descriptive, evocative language of life phenomenology can be utilized to highlight the salient functions, forms, feelings and flows of life-affirming practices.
For more information on the phenomenological rationale for the Interdisciplinary Function2Flow (F2F) Research Unit, please see:
- Smith, S.J. (2016). Movement and Place, Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy (M. Peters, Ed.). New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-981-287-532-7_92-1
- Smith, S. J., Saevi, T., Lloyd, R. J., and Churchill, S. (2017), Editorial for the special issue “Life Phenomenology: Movement, Affect and Language” of Phenomenology & Practice, 11 (1), 2017, 1-4.
- Lloyd, R. & Smith, S. (2021). A Practical Introduction to Motion-Sensing Phenomenology. PHEnex journal/revue phénEPS, 11(2), 1-18.