Further Examples of Inquiry-Based Prompts that may be adapted to suit any InterActivity
InterActive Function (Connecting Postures)
Postural Prompts (Body Awareness) — Can you feel the ways you are creating a connection through your relational posture?
Where is your weight distributed to create connection? Is it forward/ in the centre/ back/ off to one side?
What relationship does your postural alignment have to the floor? Is it low and connected to the ground? Is it lifted from a certain place? Is it grounded from a certain place?
InterActive Form (Connection Positions)
Positional Prompts (Spatial Awareness) – Can you feel the ways you are creating a connection through your relational position?
Are you able to sense how twists and turns of your shoulders/torso/ hips/waist create connection?
Are you able to sense how leaning more toward your partner or away affects feelings of connection?
Are you aware of how changing your relative level, i.e., crouching down or standing up taller, affects feeling of connection?
InterActive Feeling (Connecting Sensations of Timing & Force)
Gestures (Actions of Body Parts) – Can you feel the ways you are creating a connection through varying movements of your hands/ torso/shoulders/ head?
What hand movements create feelings of connection?
What torso (shoulder/hip) movements create feelings of connection?
What head movements create feelings of connection?
InterActive Flow (Connecting Energies)
Expressions (Movement Quality) – Can you feel the ways you are creating a connection through varying the timing and force of your movements?
Can you start slowly and find a pace where you are moving as one?
Can you progressively build up the pace and keep moving together?
What helps you develop a synchronous sense of interactive play, i.e., a sustained pattern/rally/ rhythm?
Can you feel when it is advantageous to break free from synchronous movement to add a layer of excitement and surprise?
What helps you respond positively to unanticipated moments/ elements of surprise?
A Detailed Guide for Teaching and Assessing InterActive Connection